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When You Look Good, You Feel Good

When I was a junior in high school, I had a teacher say to my class, "When you look good, you feel good." This is one of the most accurate things I have ever heard (and probably one of the only valuable things I took away from high school). The reason she told our class this was because exams were coming up and she was giving advice to us terrified students. She basically told us don't come to class dressing like a bum or you will feel like a bum. This couldn't be more true!! I tested her theory for my upcoming exam and surprise, she was right.

I have lived by this this motto from there on out. Whether it be wearing my favorite outfit on gloomy days, dressing up to boost my confidence for a speech I hadn't rehearsed in the slightest or just simply wanting to own my style, I am always dressing to the best and expressing myself through my clothing.


When I was in middle school and early into high school (lord help me), I was constantly trying to fit in with the hottest trends. Keep in mind, I grew faster than literally everyone in school, including the boys, so I already felt like I stuck out like sore thumb. So when all of my friends were wearing a 00 shirt from Holister or Abercrombie, that just wasn't in the books for me. I tried wearing the trendy clothes my friends were wearing but I just never felt like I was really being myself and I would constantly be tugging on my clothing and trying to get comfortable. Also, since I was a young adolescent going through puberty, I was sweaty...very sweaty. So most of the time I wore a cardigan or basketball sweatshirt to cover up my pit stains (cute I know).

I took the motto of, "When you look good, you feel good," onto college with me. While many of you have a picture in your mind of what a female college student looks like, I couldn't be more opposite of that. What you might be picturing is sweatpants or leggings wearing any old sweatshirt with her hair done the same way she had it the night before. For me, I take extra time in the morning to look my best so I can feel my best. Don't get me wrong, we all have those days when we can barely get out of bed and say there is just no way, but I really try not to let that happen too often. And I completely understand that this is some girls look for college and this might be when they feel most confident, and if so, WORK IT! This look just isn't what makes me feel my best.

When I went to college, everything started to make sense. I started to wear clothes that made me feel good and made me feel like I could tackle anything, and I did! I have done significantly better in college than I ever did in high school. I wear clothes that not everyone is wearing and I love it. And if there is a trend that I absolutely love but it just doesn't work for me, forget it. Never try to fit in with something that doesn't make you feel like you are powerful.

I wouldn't say I have a particular style. I dress depending on what I'm feeling that day. Some days I'll look look like 90's Grunge barfed all over me and other days I can do a total 360 and look totally chic and put together. I used to try to have a signature style and have a look that people would say, "Oh that's so you." But I realized I don't want to subject myself to any one style, just what ever style makes me feel like a boss that day.

I thought this would be a good post for a Monday because Mondays are the absolute worst, especially after the amazing weekend I had. And just remember, "When you look good, you feel good." And never try and fit in with what other people are doing or wearing, your style is the best style for YOU.

-XO Emma

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